Sunday, May 22, 2011

HomeGrown. A Summertime Hobby.

And what may I being doing this summer you may ask (besides teaching summer school and going on adventures)? Taking care of my home-grown garden that is! Ole' Roberto (aka Robbie Shugart) or better known as my Mom, helped put this growing gardern into action! So if anyone would like to share squash recipes please do so. I have a feeling I'm going to be a all "squashed" out by the end of summer. If you would like some home grown veggies, I'll share. Because as we learned in school...
"Sharing means caring"

Banana Pepper.

Zucchini Squah.

Onion and Garlic.



Yellow Squash.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Book Report

Well, the end is upon us here at FD ISD. Everyone is recalling on memories that have been made past and present and I wonder what next year will be like when these "grown-ups" (because I'm 18) flee the hallways and the new top-dogs emerge. When I look back at the beginning of my 1st year as an educator, it amazes me how much my little youngsters have grown and developed.

Saying that all the teachers and staff are ready for a nice long summer vacay, is an understatment. We are at t-minus 6 days until graduation and it could not come any faster. So, to my grown-ups (soon to really be) may your future be fillled with all the joy and happiness you could ever possilbly imagine. Reach your goals. Have no regrets. Don't be afraid to try. Never, ever give-up. And LIVE everyday to the fullest.  

Rappin' it up with a good funny:

GRADE: Kinder...imagine that, surprised?? :-)

ME: "Where is your brother?"
BOY: "He isn't coming, he is in big trouble"
ME: "What did he do?!"
BOY: "He kicked Little Johnny in the pirates"

Thursday, April 14, 2011

At a loss for words...

Who could have ever imagined how much damage a fire was capable of doing. As many may know or have heard through various media sources, our small community of Fort Davis "went up in flames" so to speak last Saturday afternoon. You never know what you may be faced with in the field of education and this particular event was never predicted. Although some kids were affected more than others in this tragic fire show, it was so hard to see the fear and tears in all of their eyes on Saturday. So, no "funnys" or humorous comments for this week. I ask that you be thankful for the good things God has blessed you with in your life. Life is not so much about things, but the people you surround yourself with. You never know how fast "things" can be taken from you...

Here are some pictures (by the way do no justice to this disaster area when viewed by the human eye)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Viva Las Vegas!

Best gift of the month: casino playing cards from Las Vegas...I know, I know, please try and refrain from being jealous...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

¿Dónde está SUMMER?

Well, spring break came and went like the blink of an eye. Now the countdown for summer has seriously begun. Not to mention how much of a smile it puts on my face when you can walk down hallways and glance in classrooms and see the "official countdown" written on the chalk and dry-erase boards.

Another thing that amazes me is how much these "young minds" seem to pay attention to such small and unimportant details (but then again why should that surprise me). During spring break, I purchased a new, cheap, (did I say it is also hot pink) digital watch at Walmart to wear at school. My old white watch was starting to turn a little brown, so I figured I needed a new one. Well, Monday morning rolls around and once again I find myself in my 10:00am kindergarten P.E. class.

First statement made: "Where did you get that pink watch? What happened to your white one?"

I mean, who wants to hear how much those sweet kiddos missed you over their spring break anyway...right?!? Shoot, after summer they might come back asking me what color of underwear I wore today!

So, what have been my favorite quirks I have heard since good 'ole spring break, you may wonder...have at it...

Grade: Kindergarten
(I don't know why, but the best comments always seem to come from this group)

GIRL: "Coach Baade, you wanna know what?"
ME: "What?"
GIRL: "I wet the bed last night."
Me: "Well, why did you do that?"
GIRL: "Well, I thought I went to the bathroom before bed, but I guess not..."

Grade: Kindergarten
During *Fun-Run:
I look over to see a Boy 1 laying face first in the dirt crying. I walk over to him and ask:
ME: "What happen? Are you ok?"
Boy 1: "Well, when I accidently choked Boy 2 he pushed me down."
ME: "How do you accidently choke someone?"
Boy 1: "I don't know, it was an ACCIDENT!"
ME: "Give me all your popsicle sticks and go sit down on the wall until we are done with fun-run."
Boy 1: "Oh Mannnn!"

Once we are inside lining up to go to the next class, Boy 1 looks up at me with his big, brown, googly eyes and long eyelashes and says, ever so dramatically:
Boy 1: "This has got to be the WORST fun-run day I have ever had!"

* Fun-Run: A day in which kids run/jog/walk around a big track marked with cones and receive posicle sticks for each lap completed. Once a student completes twenty laps they will be a awarded a necklace and a foot.
 (20 laps = 1 foot)


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Well another week has almost come and gone at the place that I am sure most educators have named their "home away from home". We have made it through yet another week of endless lesson planning, activities, and practices, but not without the assistance from our ever so energetic (which, have you noticed, never seems to be in short supply) kids! 

P.S. Only 60 days left until SUMMER!

Here's this week's comical comments:

Grade: Kindergarten

"But, I don't want to play Frisbee with her. Last time she hurt me, she threw the Frisbee and it hit me right in my cuckoo-cuckoo!"

Girl: Umm that boy said a bad word.
Me: Well what did he say?
Girl: (looks around with wondering eyes, questioning if what she is about to say will get her in trouble too, then looks back at me) He said shit.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

I am a first year elementary p.e. teacher and high school coach. I spend my school days spilt between the little creatures with big eyes and boogies and then the "too cool for school" young and youthful adolescents (or should I say grown-ups because "I'm 18") that are, whether they know it or not, the future.

So, what are my intentions for becoming a first time blogger you may ask...

1. Share my rare yet extraordinary stories (yes, fables and tall tales included), unpredictable comments and the questionable quotes I encounter daily with these stunning "young minds"


2. Put a smile on your face or lend a guaranteed laugh when needed

Without trying to sound too cliche, kids do say the darnedest things. In fact, I know any educator who has left their carbon footprint in the world of education would, without a doubt, bubble in the answer choice: strongly agree.
I love my job and love my little creatures with big eyes and boogies. Therefore, my plan (aka "goal") is to enlighten you on all the moments that I get to share with them…where they do far more than enlighten me on just about anything and everything imaginable (I know, scary, but true)...whether they are aware of it or not.
One of my favorite quotes I've heard in education...
 "If you promise not to believe everything your child says happens at school, I'll promise not to believe everything he/she says happens at home."  ~Anonymous Teacher

As first funny:
Grade: 1st
"My Mom doesn't have a pee-pee. She pees out of her butt. Her pee-pee is like this big (displays the universal sign for really, really small), it's the size of a nub!"